Ingraham Flats, WA

Ingraham Flats, WA

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Another year has passed.

Yesterday marked the 27th year of my life, not much I know, but it took me a good number of those years to figure out what makes me tick. For me that motivation has led me down some dead ends, but when I found climbing I knew it would be for a lifetime.

So I got this idea a few months back, namely after a video entitled "30", that I should climb 27 routes on my birthday. Seemed like a cool idea, a bit daughnting but cool nonetheless. With a bit of pre-planning and tons of encouragement from my partner in crime I was able to finish all 27, no problem. Though the numbers don't matter to me in a bragging sense, I do enjoy the knowledge of how much rock I dealt with : 426m in total vertical climbing! And who said you couldn't find long routes in Thailand?

Well before the whole thing started I just told myself to do it, pictured doing it, and then pictured finishing........and it went exactly like that. Not only was this a great day climbing and pushing my limits, but it also has given me a renewed enthusiasm and confidence in my climbing. Best birthday present ever? #treatyourself

I figure I may as well do this little ritual every year .........until 35 that is.

the last climb of the day "Happy Birthday"- 6b

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